Postcards For Democracy

A demonstration to support the 225 yr old U.S. Postal Service & the right to VOTE 

Join forces for this collective postcard art demonstration

Press Support

Kind support for this project from Billboard, Pitchfork, Fast Company, LA Times, Cool Hunting, Design Milk, The Art Newspaper, The Nation, Brooklyn Vegan, CBS, Austin Chronicle, USA Today, SXSW, Dezeen, Variety and more

Need inspiration... here are a few Beatie & Mark created together... 

And then what?

The postcards will become part of a ever evolving collective installation - art directed by Mark Mothersbaugh & Beatie Wolfe. Any post art received before Aug 2021 was displayed at the Rauschenberg Gallery.... but that's just the beginning

Rauschenberg Gallery Exhibition

Postcards for Democracy exhibition May 17 to Aug 8 2021 -

Photos by Brian Tietz curtesy of the Rauschenberg Gallery 

SXSW 2021 (Featured Session)

Mark Mothersbaugh and Beatie Wolfe where invited to give a featured session at SXSW to talk about the project. Check out the session in the video below... 

Postcard for Democracy Commemorative Stamps (Summer 2022)

Celebration boxset and stamps sheets printed with the Portland Stamp Company

Now in the Smithsonian National Postal Museum's permanent collection

Hold on, I've got another question...

Q. What should be on the postcard?
A. Anything that you like, from a statement to a poem to a doodle to a design. And you don’t have to be an artist! 

Q. Is this a non-profit?
A. Yes this is an art demonstration and if any profits are raised they’ll go to art/vote enrollment charities/initiatives.

Q. Is this open to the rest of the world?
A. Yes, anyone can do it.

Q. Can I still send cards after the election?
A. Yes, keep buying stamps and sending cards. 

I'm in... what's that address again?

Postcards for Democracy
8760 Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood
CA 90069-2206